Yoga and Other Wellness Services

Level I Hatha Yoga

In this class we begin with seated breathwork, move into seated stretches before practicing classical sun salutes, standing postures, followed by seated postures and a final resting pose-Savasana.

Yin Yoga

A very slow and gentle class, emphasizing on breathwork and extended amount of time holding each posture. The long holds of yin yoga postures allow for a deeper stretch in the connective tissues, tendons and ligaments. This class is very quiet and meditative.

Prenatal Yoga

This class is great to practice at  any point in your pregnancy. We start with breathing techniques, seated stretches, sun salutes, standing postures, followed by final stretches supported with bolsters, blankets and blocks and  a relaxing  Savasana. 

Mat Pilates

This class will consist of practical mat Pilates exercises focusing on core stabilization, muscle balance, proper alignment, strength and flexibility. This class is accessible for anyone new to Pilates. 

Senior Yoga

This class will be done with the use of the chair. We will practice seated breathwork and stretches, as well as some standing modified sun salutes and standing postures. We end the class with some additional breathwork and a seated savasana. 

Baby & Me Stretch

Bring baby with you as you improve your flexibility and strength. We will focus on core strength, stretching and breathwork. Recommended for babies ages 3 mos. - 24 mos. This is a great way to exercise and meet other parents!

Teen Yogalates

Yogalates is a fusion of basic yoga postures and breathwork with the added benefit of core exercises used in Pilates. We begin with upper body stretches, move into standing strengthening poses, core and back strength and end with seated stretches.

See Calendar for exact dates



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